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Her bedroom door was open and she was riding somebody’s cock, making the noises I’d heard from her at the party. Neither of them could see me so I watched this erotic scene for a bit then sat down on her couch and listened.A short time later two naked people headed for the bathroom. She was flushed and his cock was wilting. She saw me and said, “Ooops! I’ll be right with you.” The shower ran for a little bit and the guy, to whom I had not been introduced, walked to the bedroom with a towel around him, dressed and left. Cunnie didn’t bother dressing and sat down beside me.“I lost track of the time and forgot to lock the door. I apologize.”“No need. I enjoyed the show. It got me hard.”She grinned, “Do you want me to take care of that now or later?”I countered with, “We don’t have to be anywhere on a schedule so how about both?”She laughed, “You’ve had me freshly-fucked before and seemed to like it. Get your clothes off.”I must admit that I did like it, especially with the fresh visual. He was real quiet on the drive and when we got there, I could see that he was aroused. I saw my friend's car and looked for our signal. He would have the d****ries closed but a magazine or newspaper propped up between the d****s and the window. I saw the paper and said, that's the room. I kissed my husband goodbye and told him I loved him. I said I would call when he should come get me. He had a sort of almost zombie-like look on his face and said OK. I got out and went to the door, looked back, knocked, and then looked back again when the door opened and my lover for the night stood smiling. I waited a few seconds, just smiling and saying hello, before I went in. I figured maybe my husband would get a look at my date.When I telephoned to be picked up, my husband just burst out and told me how he had been so excited after seeing the room I would be in, and getting a glimpse of my date, that he could not wait for me and had jerked himself to satisfaction a few times. I loved hearing.
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